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Sonnet English Easy

de The Verve

Completa los huecos, después pulsa el botón Score para chequear tus respuestas
My friend and me
Looking her red box of memories

Faded I'm sure
But love seems to in her veins, you know

Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound no sonnet
My lord
Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound no sonnet
My lord, my lord

Why can't you see
That has its way of warning me

Eyes wide
at the heavens a tear in my eye

Yes, there's if you want it
Don't like no sonnet
My lord
Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't like no sonnet
My lord, my lord
Sinking faster than a without a hull
My lord
Dreaming about the day when I can see you there
My side

By my side

Here we go again and my head is gone
My lord
I stop to say hello
'Cause I you should know
By now
By now
By now
By now
By now
By now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now

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( Traducción Automática )
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