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Never Forget English Easy

de Michelle Pfeiffer

Completa los huecos, después pulsa el botón Score para chequear tus respuestas
Will you come home? Will you stay with me?
Say you'll laugh, say you'll understand
Say you'll with me
Say you'll smile that smile for me
Say you'll hold me in your arms so sweet
you come home? you to me?
Home, my love
We will never you
You will never leave
In our we kept you
We'll be safe
You'll all the days of summer sun
Hold me close in November
the winter comes
Tell me all the you for
Tell me all you would want to live for
When you come home, when you come home to me?
Home, my love
All the days of sorrow will in tomorrow
You can count on me, my love
To be here
We all be ready, love and steady
We will never forget you
You are home, my love
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( Traducción Automática )
Con tecnología de Microsoft® Translator
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