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Exercises Pending Review

Each lyrics needs to be reviewed by three users before it can be released to the community. Please review and confirm the lyrics so we can release them to the community.

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Created Artist Title Language Genre Level

2022-02-20 10:36:32

Gims  Caméléon  French Rap Easy
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2022-03-28 19:09:42

McCarthy Math Academy  LINES, RAYS, ANGLES Song | Geometry VOCAB Music Video Series (Part 1)  English Rap Easy
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2022-05-28 12:20:27

Childish Gambino  This Is America  English Rap Hard
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2022-06-18 00:35:36

CHICHV  Kiša Je Padala  English Rap Hard
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2022-06-18 00:37:10

CHICHV  C&S - Intro  English Rap Medium
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Page 294 of 302, showing 5 records out of 1507 total, starting on record 1466, ending on 1470

| 290 | 291 | 292 | 293 | 294 | 295 | 296 | 297 | 298|