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Flashcards Todos General Las Flashcards o fichas de aprendizaje son muy efectivas a la hora de memorizar información. Cada tarjeta tiene dos caras, el frente y el revés. En el frente tenemos la palabra a memorizar. En el revés la traducción, explicación o solución. Ver
BBC French Free Online Course  Learn how to speak French with audio, video and games, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests. Plus slang and French TV  Ver
BBC German Free Online Course  Learn how to speak German with courses, classes, lessons,audio and videos, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests. Plus German slang and German TV and news.  Ver
Purdue Online Writing Lab English Grammar  The OWL is a wonderful repository of practice sheets and linguistic primers for learner at all levels  Ver
Dave's ESL Cafe English Grammar  ESL teacher Dave Sperling's in-depth site provides numerous lessons about sentence structure, word use, and more.  Ver
American English Pronunciation Practice English Spelling and Pronunciation  This helpful site has dozens of word exercises designed to let students listen and repeat until they get a handle on pronunciation.  Ver
2,000+ ESL/EFL Conversations on Different Topics English Spelling and Pronunciation  This detailed tool lets students practice their speaking with the help of an online avatar  Ver
Flash Card Exchange English Vocabulary and Writing  This brower-based tool lets you study thousands of words, create your own flash cards, and sort cards based on category and learner language  Ver
20-Minute ESL Lessons English Vocabulary and Writing  These audio lessons cover basic vocabulary for a variety of everyday situations, including office life  Ver
Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students English Quizzes and Worksheets  Just what it sounds like. These tests will help students learn grammar, tricky words, vocabulary, and more.  Ver
Grammar Quizzes English Quizzes and Worksheets  Multiple quizzes at each level of comprehension make this website a handy resource  Ver

Página 2 de 3, mostrados 10 registros de 23 total, desde 11 hasta 20

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